About Us

EnerScale is a data-driven B2B End-of-Life (EoL) analysis platform for the solar energy industry to promote the reuse and recycling of solar PV panels. Utilizing AI and data mining techniques, the B2B platform enables pre-assessment of early retired or EOL solar panels, for example, whether a solar panel can be reused or needs to be recycled. This will be achieved by analyzing solar panels early in the operational phase — by visualizing data of active solar panels and analyzing the condition of solar panels and their degradation levels using solar production data and metadata. From off-grid solar systems to mega solar power plants, we help businesses reduce their e-waste and make their solar energy efforts circular and more sustainable.


The world needs to step up its efforts to shift to renewable energy to fight climate change. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), in order to keep the 1.5 Celsius target alive, the global solar PV installed would have to reach more than 14,000 GW by 2050. Furthermore, there are still nearly 2 billion people in the world today without access to reliable electricity. Particularly in the developing world, affordable renewable energy sources could play a major role. On the other hand, IRENA and IEA-PVPS predict that cumulative solar PV waste will reach 78 million metric tonnes globally by 2050. To avoid the mass disposal of solar panels, it is urgent to establish a solar reuse and recycling market.


One of the challenges the solar energy industry faces today is that reuse and recycling of solar panels is time-, resource- and finance-intensive since used solar panels need to be discovered, collected and sorted. For reuse, panels need to be refurbished and tested according to industry safety standards. Because of these burdens and complicated processes, an overwhelming number of solar panels, even those with a remaining lifetime, end up in landfills. EnerScale envisions significantly improving the flow of the solar panel reuse and recycling market by visualizing, analyzing and evaluating active solar panels before they reach their end-of-life phase. EnerScale strives to create a global and transparent circular economy for the solar energy industry to make their renewable energy efforts more sustainable.


Utilizing AI and data mining technology, EnerScale is building algorithms to enable companies to assess the condition of solar panels from power data. The B2B platform also helps companies systematically evaluate, identify and sort solar panels operating in different countries and environments by integrating external data sources, including meteorological and geographical data. EnerScale thus allows them to pre-assess end-of-life options for their solar panels so they can determine whether a solar panel can be reused or should be recycled.

EnerScaleClosed BETA Version 6

Data-driven B2B End-of-Life (EoL) analysis platform for the solar energy industry

Solar Systems of All Types and Sizes

Our EoL analysis platform is designed for solar systems of all types and sizes — including utility-scale, Commercial & Industrial (C&I) and residential solar installations, as well as grid-tied, hybrid and off-grid solar energy systems.

Pre-assessment of Early Retired and EOL solar panels

EnerScale helps you pre-assess whether your solar panels can be reused or need to be recycled when they retire without the need to prepare complex datasets. Simply convert your metadata and basic sensor data into our format and then upload them to our cloud-based EoL analysis platform.

Extensive External Data Sources

EnerScale integrates a wide variety of external data sources and environmental variables. With these extensive data and variables, we can customize data analytics solutions according to your needs.

Data-Driven Planning for PV Reuse and Recycling

Our EoL analysis platform helps you systematically evaluate the conditions of your operational solar panels, enabling you to plan ahead and make data-driven reuse/recycling decisions.

Our Targets

EnerScale aims to achieve the following targets.

Why these targets?

We are committed to playing our part in making solar energy more sustainable and circular.




System evaluation


System registration


Transaction volume

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